
The panda-cms gem uses semantic versioning.

Installing gem-release

Installing gem-release makes some parts of the release cycle easier:

gem install gem-release

Releasing a new version of the panda-cms gem

With no staged changes, to set the next version number, run:

RELEASE_VERSION=$(gem bump --pretend --no-commit | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr -d '[:space:]')

This should output the next patch release version.

You can also set RELEASE_VERSION manually:


To release the gem to this version number, run:

git checkout -b release/v$RELEASE_VERSION
gem bump --no-commit --version $RELEASE_VERSION
bundle update
git commit -am "Release $RELEASE_VERSION"
git push origin release/v$RELEASE_VERSION
gem build panda-cms.gemspec
gem push panda-cms-$RELEASE_VERSION.gem
git checkout main && git merge release/v$RELEASE_VERSION
git push origin main
git push origin :release/v$RELEASE_VERSION

To release the gem to another version, set RELEASE_VERSION yourself first.

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